Friday, January 18, 2019

Homeschool Highlights~ January 2019

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I know I've been horrible with keeping things around here up to date. Summer hit and the chaos began. Summer was followed by the start of school, a kitchen remodel, and then the holidays filled with sickness! I'm just exhausted thinking about it all. Now things can hopefully settle down a bit. I have almost all of Christmas down, everything except the tree. I was going to take it down today, but my baby boy decided to sleep under it again.

Mountain of Grace Homeschooling

He just loves the Christmas tree. I couldn't break his sweet little heart. I'll try for tomorrow.

So what have we been up to? 

Getting back into the swing of things. We officially started back to school last week. This week is a short week, since dad is off work on Friday. Michael and him have some outdoor plans for chopping some wood for the wood stove. It's going to get down into the single digits this weekend. Too cold for me!

School is going well for the kiddos. We've made a few changes since the start of the year. Nothing major though. The kids are almost done with their 2nd quarter. It's hard to believe the year is half way over.

The kids have been working on a report about 2 careers they want to learn more about. I'm having them right a paper for the course we are doing from, called Career Exploration. I'm hoping it will help them figure out what they might like to study in college and what type of career they would like to pursue. Michael is definitely leaning towards something to do with animal wildlife conservation. Therese is still undecided. She does like photography.

In science, the kids have been learning about plate tectonics and how they are formed. Neither Michael nor Therese care for Earth Science much. I've been looking for ways to make it a little more exciting. They find it a little boring. They both can't wait to study biology next year.

I'm already looking into stuff for next year. I love planning our school year. I think I enjoy doing that more than the actual homeschooling. High school is a little boring if you ask me. I'd love to hear what you do to keep your homeschooling exciting for the older ones.

We had snow on Sunday. We had about a foot of snow fall up here on the mountain. The kids have been taking the dog out and playing with her in the snow. It's just a little too cold for me. I love looking out the window at it though. We supposed to get a few more inches this Thursday/Friday. I think winter has finally hit us here. It'll get into the single digits this weekend. I think I even saw that with the windchill it'll feel like we're in the negative temps! I swear I was meant to live somewhere warm. The older I get the less I like the cold weather.

Have a great weekend!

Till Next Time,

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