Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Classically Catholic Memory~ Delta Year Week 1

The Seven Continents & Oceans

For us, this week is review. If you follow CCM and have being doing it for the past few years, you know each year starts with the continents. By now, the kids know them like the back of their hands. I add the oceans during this week too.
We began with labeling the map from CCM. Each day, we review the maps and then I have the kids label the map print outs. This year, I added a few works sheets from Enchanted Learning. These extra worksheets teach the kids how to read maps. The look at the map and then answer the questions by looking over the map.

Here are the maps we used for our printouts.
Map with Labels 
Blank Map for Students to Label

Here are the map reading worksheets we used.
Continents and Oceans
Follow the directions

Here is a link to a wheel about the continents that kids can make. Great for younger kids!

This week the kids will be learning about what a Sacrament is.

We read from the Baltimore Catechism and read this lesson online I found.
They created the seven sacraments stained glass window from Shower of Roses.
They added a coloring page to religion notebook.

Great Words~
"The Lake Isle of Innisfree" by William Butler Yeats

So for great words we started learning a poem by Yeats. Whenever we start learning a new poem, I always try to get the children familiar with the poet.

This we the kids learned about the fight for freedom in South America and the Caribbean. There wasn't much at our local library, but we did find a few resources.
Online I found the following resources to help the kids learn about Simon Bolivar "The Liberator" and Latin America's fight for freedom.
Simon Bolivar
Latin America's Independence 

The kids read A Picture Book of Simon Bolivar by David A. Adler. It was the only book our library had. It was a quick easy read for them, but it provided a lot of information!

If you are looking for more information, here is a power point presentation I found that can be purchased. 

Parts of a Plant

There is so much information out there about plants it's scary! We checked out a few books about plants from our library for reference. 
To learn the most about plants, we headed outside of course. The first thing the kids did was search for a vascular plant and a non vascular plant. We went over the definitions of what each one was, but I wanted them to find an example all on their own. 
Therese was the first one to spot a non-vascular plant....moss and lichen!

If you don't have a lot of non-vascular plants near you, I found this site online with some great 

We worked on a few labeling the parts of a plant, vocabulary flashcards, vocabulary matching, etc.

Till next time,

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