Tuesday, October 20, 2015

An Advent Table Runner~ My 2nd at Attempt at Quilting

A few weeks ago, Jen from Faith and Fabric asked a few of us to test the pattern for a beautiful Advent Wreath table runner.

As soon as I saw the pattern, I knew I wanted to give it a try. It definitely looked a little more trickier than the Halloween runner. I was up for a challenge though. It had more appliques and more decorative sewing along the appliques.

Creating the candles were a little tricky. I even sewed a few backwards. I had a lot of fun making each block.


My quilt wasn't perfect. Somehow it became a little larger than planned. But hey, it still fits on the dinning room table!
Stop by and see Jen and all the other creations the testers came up with.
I love the wall hanging idea!

Want to make it yourself. Head on over to Jen's Craftsy Store and purchase the pattern!
It would make a wonderful Christmas present for someone special.

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