Monday, October 19, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up~ Week 3

Hello Friends! It's hard to believe we are in the middle of October already. I don't know about you, but fall has definitely hit here. It's going to be in the 30's this weekend at night...yikes! I'll be dragging out the wool socks for sure.

Well, I'm sure you already noticed that it was a little quiet around here last week. We went on vacation to Colonial Williamsburg. It was a wonderful trip and we were thrilled to get away for a little while. Now we are back and ready to get back into the swing of things. 

What went on last week.....So last week, we visited Colonial Williamsburg, Historic Jamestown and the Jamestown Reenactment Center, Historic Yorktown and the Yorktown Victory Center. It was lot of fun. I'll be sharing out our adventure in a few days! We returned home on Friday and Grandma came for a visit. On Saturday, we headed to the Catoctin  Colorfest Craft Show. It's a HUGE craft show. This was the 52nd year. We love going. I always find way too much stuff I want. This year, I found a adorable Mr. and Mrs. Scarecrow set to display for fall.

So our week was filled with lots and lots of walking. You would have thought I would have lost some weight but nope! Oh well.

So now on to this week....

Sunday, we went to Mass but the kids didn't have CCD. They were happy about that. We went shopping since Michael and Therese have both grown so much. They need some new clothes for fall. I found Therese few cute tops ans skirts at a local thrift store. They had a room in the back where everything was a $1.00 or you could fill a grocery bag up for $5.00! We got 15 items for $5! Nice stuff too. A Lands End top, a J Crew skirt, a Gap skirt, an Eddie Bauer dress, and a little jacket. We will be checking that store out again!

Monday was a holiday, so everyone was off. We went to our local apple farm and bought some pumpkins, apples, apple cider, and 2 mums. Of course, I left my camera at home. 

Tuesday was a day for relaxing. Grandma went home and the kids I just ended the day playing and enjoying our time home. I think we all need it. The kids did head to their science co-op class in the afternoon. They learned about seals and manatees.  While they were at their science class, I headed to the fabric store to get some material to start making fish costumes and a Mayzie costume for the play. I will be busy sewing the next few weeks. I'll share my creations once they're completed. 

On Wednesday, we got back into the swing of school.....well that was the plan anyway. I though I had planned everything out before we left for vacation but I was wrong. I only organized half of the materials we needed to get school done. So the kids did the know math, spelling, and English. I worked on planning and organizing the lessons for the next 4 weeks. I also did laundry of course! When doesn't a mama not do laundry? We all now if we fall 1 one day behind, it's all over. It will multiply while were are not looking. Therese had rehearsal at night. The girls worked on their fish dance and started to learn the hunch dance for the play.

Thursday was a a great school day. They kids got to work and really worked efficiently. I love when the do their schoolwork without complaining. They didn't waste too much time. We did take a walk outside to look for types of vascular plants. We found all 3 mentioned in the CCM book. I learned something new this week. A pine tree has male and female pine cones. Who knew? I must have missed that day in science all those years ago. The kids found both outside on the tree.

We had relatives traveling through on Thursday, we we headed out to dinner with the grandpa and his cousin and his wife. 

I had sleepy heads on Friday morning. After running around the past two weeks, I let my kiddos sleep in. Thank goodness for homeschooling. In the afternoon, we headed to Mass with our fellow homeschoolers and then went to a farm so the kids could go on a hayride, pick a pumpkin, and go through a corn maze. I get lost in the corn maze every year. They kids had fun hanging out with their friends.

So what are my plans for Saturday? 
Sewing and cleaning!

Hope you all had a wonderful week! I would say I'm looking forward to a relaxing week next week, but that isn't going to happen. We have another full week. The only days we'll be home is Monday and Thursday. We are very excited to be seeing the relics of Saint Maria Goretti on Wednesday!!!
If you have any special intentions, please let me know and we will pray for you.
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