Wednesday, October 28, 2015

We've Made a Few Changes to Our Lessons

Well, now that we are into our lessons a few weeks, we thought we would change things up a bit. Like many homeschooling parents, we always find something not working out for us. The nice thing is we can change. I know when we first started homeschooling, I was so scared to change the curriculum once we started. I felt like we were giving up, I was making things to easy for the kids, and that I was teaching them to be quitters. After a few years, I realized that when it comes to learning, especially the basics, you do what you have to do to get them to learn. If they need a different program, you find it! If they absolutely dislike a program, you change it. I realized that learning should be fun, not tedious. If children dread their lessons and school, it will turn them off from learning. My goal is to create life long learners.

So after being back to school for a few months now, we made a few changes......

Religion~ No changes here
Faith and Life 6 
Gospel of Mark 
Gospel of Luke
Baltimore Catechism

I do want to add daily Mass a few times a week especially during Advent. 

Voyages in English 5 (Therese loves)
Voyages in English 6 (Michael doesn't like)
Editor in Chief  Forgot to order Therese her book, so we haven't started it yet
Diagramming Sentences
Catechism in Rhyme (handwriting) Writing Through Early Modern History 

Latina Christiana 1,  Decided not to do it this year

Horizons Math 4 ( I switched Therese back to Saxon 54, I do think this is the best program out there, Therese didn't like Horizons math and I found it lacking)
Saxon Math 65

Spelling~ Everybody changed
All About Spelling 4 Switched Therese to Phonetic Zoo Level A...We love it!
Spectrum Spelling 6  Too easy, so we switched back to Spelling for Young Catholic from Seton

The Harp and the Laurel Wreath

Online Resources

U.S. History~ 
Pioneers and Patriots
History Study Time Travelers The Early 19th Century
History Study Time Travelers The Civil War

Online Resources

U.S. State Study~ 
Online Resources

Bird Study~ 
Peterson Field Guide Birds
Peterson Field Guide Color in book

Tree Study~ 
Peterson Guide Trees

Art~ We have been so busy we haven't even started this yet
9 week study of various artists.... George Seurat, John James Audubon, Georgia O'Keeffe, Grandma Moses 

            Music from the different time periods we will be covering in history   
                 ex. Civil War, Pioneer Days, War World I & War World II

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