Thursday, October 22, 2015

TOS Review for Writing through History from Brookdale House

Today I get to share with you a writing and history course called  Writing Through Early Modern History Cursive Level 2 from Brookdale House. We have been using this writing curriculum over the past few weeks.

Brookdale House is a curriculum publisher that creates books for children. Their books focus on child-led learning. Their goal is to get children focused on learning and enjoy it while they are doing it. Every parents dream! When children are eager to learn, the process is so much easier. Brookdale House books are designed for how children learn. The books allow the children to interact with the information, but more importantly connect the information in their minds and lives. Brookdale House wants the children to keep the information they have learned with them not just forget about it 2 days later.
Brookdale House offers a wide variety of products. They offer course in History, Geography, Bible Study, Spanish, Rhetoric, English, and Grammar.

 Brookdale House Review

For this review, we received Writing Through Early Modern History Cursive Level 2 ebook.  The eBook costs $22.95. A printed book can also be purchased for $30.95. Please remember prices are subject to change. For us the eBook was perfect. I just saved it on my computer and printed out the lessons for the kids as we needed them. The Writing Through History curriculum is a series of books that are geared for elementary age children. The curriculum is a Charlotte Mason inspired writing program. With this writing curriculum, children are introduced to passages written by some very famous men and women from history. By reading these selections, children learn how to write correctly. When children are exposed to great writing, they will learn and absorb that writing style. Who doesn't want their children to be an amazing writer?

"We owe it to every child to put him in communication with great minds that he may get at great thoughts."
~Charlotte Mason 

Each section contains a historical passage that the children read. After reading the passage, children will orally narrate the passage, write a written narration, and write a summary of the passage. A nice feature of the program is that after each passage, there is a writing model provided for study.

The Writing Through Early Modern History went along perfectly for the time period we are learning about in history this year. Writing through Early Modern History covers a wide range of years and topics. The book covers the 1600's to the 1850's. Children will learn about Captain John Smith all the way to the California God Rush! In Writing Through Early Modern History Level 2, children in grades 3rd through 5th are introduced to exciting and interesting passages from primary source documents. The book is divided into 4 sections.
  • Short Historical Narratives
  • Passages from Primary Source Documents
  • Poetry
  • Cultural Tales
There are more than 60 readings included in the book. Children will read about a variety of famous men from history like Captain John Smith, George Washington, Paul Revere, Tecumseh, and Benjamin Franklin.  The excerpts for the readings come from documents like the Mayflower Compact, Hiawatha's Childhood, and stories from the Brothers Grim.

Since the children are older, they are encouraged to write/copy the passages in paragraphs. You have the option to choose between print and cursive. We choose cursive since my goal this year was to encourage the children to start writing in cursive more (if not all the time during school) Right now they are write 50% of the time in cursive. I am hoping this program will encourage them to write even more in cursive!

An added bonus is the additional writing models in the appendix. These can be used for more dictation or writing practice. They even provide questions to help facilitate oral dictation and to help the children to really start thinking about what they are reading.

The books is 327 pages! Plenty of writing practice for children!

How did we use it?

It was very easy to add this program into our day. We used it instead of handwriting lessons for that day. I looked through the resources and found selections that went along with what we were talking about in history. So if we were learning about The American Revolution, I printed out the section talking about it. I printed out the pages for the Michael and Therese. On the first day, we would read the selection together. After the reading, I would have them orally narrate the passage to me. On the second day, they would use the model practice. Depending on their handwriting and the time we had that we, they may rewrite the passage 1-2 more times. At the end of the week, I had them write their own summary of the passage on loose leaf paper. We stored everything in a binder.

What did we think about it?
I liked it. I found that it gave the children plenty of writing practice. Just what we were looking for. I loved how it brought history into the their writing. I love when we can combine subjects and get involved in real life learning. Of course, the kids complained about all the writing, but that's typical. They don't like writing, but it's extremely important so they'll just have to learn to like it. I did see a huge improvement on their writing. We will definetely continue with this program!

Learn more about Brookdale House......

Stop by and see the other crew's reviews for this book or many of the other great books Brookdale House has to offer! Just click on the graphic below.

 Brookdale House Review

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