Thursday, December 5, 2013

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life~

round button chicken

Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter


As part of our Advent celebration, we have been doing fun crafts, baking, and learning more about this wonderful season. A few days ago, we read The Legend of the Poinsettia and the children created a beautiful poinsettia garland for our school room.

It makes the school room rather festive!


A certain black puppy has way too much energy. So we found a fun, creative way to challenge on these cold days.

We found a round rubber ball, since she LOVES to chew on Crocs, with some holes in it. We slide a bone into the ball and she works hard to get it out.

It keeps her busy and challenges her to use her thinking skills.
It's a win-win situation for us all.
It really come in handy when we are trying to get some school work done.


Yesterday, we had a vet appointment for two of animals. You have to keep them healthy.

and the puppy

The whole way there, thank goodness our vet is close by only 15 minutes, the two of them carried on. Baby meowed every few seconds and Puppy whimpered and whined constantly. 
We had our own choir in the car.


This is from 2 weeks ago.

Chewed up markers, crayons, chalk, Legos, shoes, erasures, phone cords.
She loves slippers!
Last night, a certain little puppy sat under the Christmas tree and ate through a light wire. Now a section in the front our tree is black as night. 
It looks like I will be heading out to buy a new strand of lights.

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