Sunday, December 1, 2013

Traveling Wisemen~Day 1

Today was the first day of Advent. While the kids were busy in the morning, I secretly hid our three Wise Men in the house. 

I made a note for them to read.
It said....
Three Wise Men are on the search for Baby Jesus. They may be small, but are up to the task. Over the next few weeks, they will be hunting high and low. They may even get stuck in a few places. But we know they will not find Baby Jesus until the Epiphany!

The kids went eagerly in search of Balthazar, Melchior, and Caspar!
I hid them in a fairly easy spot for the first day. Lego Man and Princess P didn't know what they looked like so I wanted them to be able to find them.
I hid them on top of the television located on our living room.

Princess P found them first quickly followed by Lego Man.

Where will they be tomorrow?
Make sure to come back and see...........

1 comment:

  1. Monique,

    Our Wise Men have also set out on their travels. I know some people don't begin this tradition until the star appears over Bethlehem on Christmas Day, but my children enjoy the extra weeks of searching for the Wise Men.

    I love your figures. I wonder if they are Lego.

