Monday, December 16, 2013

Traveling Wise Men~ Day 14, 15, 16

The Wise Men are still traveling around in search of the new King.

Day 14

Gazing out into the night sky. Searching for the star in the clear midnight sky. Do they still see it?

Day 15

They have stopped for a small bite to eat. They fill up the stomachs with apples and clementines.

I'm sure after they get their fill, they will be ready to continue on with their special journey.

Melchior seems to have his belly full!

Day 16

Today, the wise men are found hanging around on our Advent Calendar. Balthazar is warmly wrapped up in the knit scarf.

Melchior is relaxing, maybe he is getting directions from the moose.

Beth is hanging out at the top. She finds the moose's antlers a comfortable place to be.

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