Thursday, September 17, 2015

Classically Catholic Memory~ Gamma Year Week 15

We're still traveling through Canada. The kids labeled more rivers and bays on their map. We followed our normal routine...
Label the map with the stickers
Go over the map daily....1st week side with stickers, 2nd week side without stickers
Label paper maps that I printed out daily
Map of Greenland and Canada
On the last day of the 2 weeks, the kids get their test to see what they can remember.

Just a side note~ While studying Canada and the rivers (and the following 2 weeks map work) reading Paddle to the Sea by Holling C. Holling would be great! We read this book earlier and loved it! It goes perfectly with the area being studied. My kids had fun making a canoe craft.

Weeks 10-18, the kids are learning the Anima Christi. You can find resources we used on Weeks 10 and Weeks 11.

The Ten Commandments
For the nest 4 weeks, the kids will be learning about the 10 Commandments. Week 15 talks about the first 5, while Week 16 talks about the last 5.
Resources, we used this week were pretty simple..
The Bible~ We read the bible passage of when God gave Moses the 10 Commandments. We used a regular bible, but if your kids are younger all children's bibles have the story in it. There are even story books about the 10 Commandments for kids. This was a pretty easy week.
We watched the movie The Ten Commandments movie from back in the day. My kids love watching this movie! We watch it every Easter.

I had both kids write out the 10 Commandments in their notebooks and then they did a simple craft of creating their 10 Commandments by using gray construction paper cut out into stone tablets and gluing a page with the 10 Commandments onto them.
I'm sure their are a lot of crafts out their, some even more elaborate, but this was simple and worked for us.

Great Words~
The Declaration of Independence
For the next weeks, the kids will be working through the rest of the Declaration. If you need ideas, please check out my posts for Week 10 and Week 11.


Attribution: Nicolás Pérez

The Industrial Revolution
This was a fun week for the kids. We read a lot of books about various inventors and inventions. Our local library has a wonderful selection of biographies for kids. I just had the kids pick out a few books and read about the people that invented some amazing things. Generations before us achieved so much, without the help of computers! So many of the inventions from this time are still in use today. They may have a changed a little but the original concept is still their.

Homeschool Share has tons of lap books to go along with various inventions. The lap books are for a variety of ages and would be a great way to add some more wonderful books into everyday learning.
I didn't use any lap books for this week. We just focused on reading!

First we read a biography about Isaac Newton, so the kids would know a little about him. We followed up with the notes in the CCM book.

A few experiments later, and the First Law of Newton's was understood!

Here are a few worksheets I found online to go along with this lesson.
Isaac Newton Biography
Newton's First Law of Motion Worksheet

Triangles!!! Geometry was not my favorite subject. I had an amazing teacher, but my brain just didn't comprehend it all that well.
So this week, we learned

The Area of a triangle = One half its base times it's height

We worked on memorizing this fun little fact. I used the math dictionary to help explain it and show example.
To put the fact into action, I found this worksheet for the kids to work on.

Till next time,

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