Friday, June 3, 2016

TOS Review~ Hey Mama! Print Schoolhouse Planner 2016-2017

Are you planning for next year already? Are you getting excited about next year's school year? If you're like me, I know you are in full swing planning! I LOVE planning. Today, I get to share with you the Hey Mama! Print Schoolhouse Planner 2016-2017 from The Old Schoolhouse! It's a new planner from The Old Schoolhouse and it is amazing!!!

Hey Mama! Schoolhouse Planner 2016-2017 Review

The Hey Mama! Printed Schoolhouse Planner for 2016-2017 if amazing! It contains 192 pages filled with everything a homeschooling mama would want. First off, I love the name of the planner. It’s perfect for all us homeschooling mamas! I know we have all heard, “Hey Mama……..” coming from our sweet children over the years. Sometimes it’s a pleasant calling other times those sweet kids are alerting you to some major catastrophe occurring in our homes. This planner provides everything we all want and need to stay organized but it also provides plenty of fun and encouraging words along the way. I love the pictures thrown in here and there. They remind me of days gone by. The pictures bring to mind my grandmother, as well as all the generations of mamas that came before us. The encouraging words and charming pictures help remind me that my job as a mama, especially a homeschooling mama, is a very important job. And we all know that there are days (like when the washer breaks down) we need a little reminder to not take this time of our lives for granted.
The Hey Mama! Printed Schoolhouse Planner 2016-2017 is broken up into 2 main sections, Calendars and Homeschool Forms. 
In these two sections, you will find the book broken up into 223 sections.

Under the Calendar section, you’ll find

2016 Calendar
2017 Calendar
2018 Calendar
Monthly Calendars with Notes and Letters

The Yearly calendars are great for mapping out your school year. I looked over the 2016 and 2017 calendars and highlighted the weeks we would be doing school. Bright pink high liter makes planning our weeks quick and easy!

The monthly calendar pages are exactly what they sound like….monthly calendars. This section starts with July 2016 and ends with June 2017.  You will get a full year of planning here. Before each month, you’ll see a Hey Mama Note to read and then a blank note page for the month, July 2016 Notes! This is great for writing down all you might need to plan or consider for the upcoming month. It’s the perfect place to write tentative plans.

The monthly calendar pages are blank. They are sitting there just waiting for some love! I immediately started filling in all holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, saint feast days, Holy Days of Obligations, co-op classes, field trips, meetings, appointments, etc. I used different colors of ink to make certain things stand out. I went one step further here and used stickers to make my planner more colorful and more me! I had some leftover scrapbooking stickers for the months and added them. So each month now has its own colorful month sticker in the corner. I am hoping this makes it easier to find the month I need. Each month also received a few colorful stickers with cute thematic ideas that went with the month. So for example, I added flip flop stickers to July and for March shamrock stickers for St. Patrick’s feast day.

Under the Homeschool Forms section is where you’ll find the bulk of the forms! Here is where all your homeschool planning forms will be found.

Weekly Planners (36 weeks)
Monthly Goals (5 pages
Semester Goals (5 pages)
Yearly Goals (5 pages)
Attendance Chart (for up to 5 kids)
Book Log (3 pages)
Curriculum Planning Sheets (5 pages)
A Homeschool Contact List

I’m still working on putting my plans in order for next year, so I haven’t used most of these pages yet. I’m a little odd. I plan everything on the computer, printed out all my plans, and then add them to an old fashion writing planner. So what I’ll do is add a few weeks at a time to the Hey Mama! Planner. This way of something alters the schedule or a child gets sick, I can easily adjust the written schedule using my master plan printed from my computer files. My husband things I’m crazy but the system works for me.

After all the planning forms, you will find even more useful pages dealing with a variety of topics!
 36 General Writing Prompts
Story Starters
The Thirteen Colonies by Date (I could have used this 2 years ago!)
Timeline of Inventions (These 2 pages are filled with some amazing inventions. It could add some fun trivia into your kids’ lives)
U.S. Presidents and their Wives with their years in office (It would have been nice to have their party affiliations)
Branches of the Federal, State, and Local Government
United States and their Capitals (Order in Union, Dates of Statehood, Capital, and Abbreviation)- This will come in handy since we will be resuming our state study again next year.

I’ve saved the best for last! At least I am excited for these pages. The Hey Mama! Planner provides a page on how to create a transcript along with 2 forms to go along with creating a transcript. This is perfect for me since both my kids will be in middle school next year. ACK!!!! How did that happen/ I swear they were just 4 and 5 learning to read and spell. Now I have a preteen and a teenager. Time sure does pass by quickly! Here’s my own Hey Mama note….. Enjoy those little ones while you can. Those years go by much too quickly. You blink and their all grown up before you very eyes.

So what did I think of the planner?

I loved the layout of the planner. It’s very easy to use and you can add anything and everything you want. I used other planners in the past and have really enjoyed them. My favorite from the past 2 years had a price change this past year putting it slightly out of my price budget, so I had been searching for a new planner. I just couldn’t find one with the set-up that I liked. The Hey Mama! Was perfect. It was very similar to my old one, so I didn’t have to worry about it being confusing.

The Hey Mama! Printed Homeschool Planner 2016-2017 is only $29.99!
Right now though, you can get a discount! Just use the coupon code CREWCODE

Coupon Code Hey Mama Planner 2016 2017

Discover more about the Hey Mama! Printed Homeschool Planner 2016-2017 from The Old Schoolhouse!

Stop by and see what the other mamas had to say about this new planner!
Hey Mama! Schoolhouse Planner 2016-2017 Review

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