If you're a regular reader, you are well aware that Therese struggles with her math skills. We were extremely excited to get a 12 month subscription for her to LearnBop for Families from LearnBop. LearnBop for Families is a new math program for homeschoolers. The program has been used in schools for awhile now. This is a wonderful opportunity for homeschooling families.

Each lesson is broken up into concepts. Each new concept is taught in the same steps.
Video # 1
Video # 2
Video # 3
Video # 4 (An optional video lesson)
Solve Bops
The video introduces the new concept, explains the new concept, and shows children how to work and use the new concepts. The videos provide step by step instruction on how to figure out new problems. The Solve Bops are the practice problems for the child to do. The child can not move on until he/she achieves a 90% mastery level. The child (or parent) can choose to continue practicing the new concept with more problems or move on to the next concept once they achieve the 90% mastery level.
What We Thought of LearnBop?
I was very impressed with this program. Since we had stopped using her math textbook, we used this program as her main math for the rest of our school year. Yes, she is still working through it and will continue during the summer months. While sitting with her, I was impressed on how well they explained new concepts. Simple and easy to understand! I'll admit they explained ways to to multiplication like I had never seen before.
Here's the way I know......
4312 x 4= 17,248
Here is how they explained it to Therese......
4000 x 4= 16,000 300 x 4= 1200 10 x 4= 40 2 x 4= 8
16,000 + 1200 + 40 + 8= 17,248
so...... 4312 x 4= 17,248
She thought this was so easy. She didn't get stressed and was able to do it immediately! I loved seeing her smile when she had completed the section and had gained some new confidence in her math skills!
I have to say this is has been the best online math program we have tried so far. Therese eagerly asks to do her math work in the morning (even during summer break). This is a wonderful program that thoroughly explains math concepts and builds a struggling student's confidence.
We give it 5 Stars!
Therese says she really likes it. She doesn't love it but that's because she doesn't like math. She enjoys the videos and says they are great to watch. She also said that the math is explained very well.

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you.
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your daughter and my son... math the nemesis! :) Isn't it nice when they find a program that works?