Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Wordless Wednesday

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Homeschool Crew Review~ Theodore Roosevelt from YWAM Publishing

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History Hero Biographies

A few weeks ago, we were given the opportunity to review another great book in the Heroes of History series from YWAM Publishing. We choose Heroes of History- Theodore Roosevelt An American Original. This was the perfect book to go along with our history lessons since we have been studying the early 1900's.

YWAM Publishing
YWAM Publishing is a Christian company that focuses on creating and distributing books that encourage Christian families to grow in their faith and to make a difference in the world round them. The company produces wonderful books that provide children with strong and faithful role models. The role models presented in their Christian Heroes: Then and Now and Heroes of History series are wonderful men and women our children can look up to. In today's world, that can be a difficult thing for parents and children to find. The positive role models presented in these books allow our children to see virtues, morals, and faith lived out in the daily lives of these courageous men and women. 
"A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education."
Heroes of History series are a wonderfully unique biography series. The books are written in an engaging narrative format. The stories bring to life the history and the world around the hero of the book. The books do a fantastic job of bringing history, geography, government, science, and faith together. They are perfect stories for living history.
YWAM Publishing

"With self-discipline most anything is possible."

For this review, we received a physical copy of the book Theodore Roosevelt An American Original. The book is recommended for children ages 10 and up, although I think children as young as seven could easily read this book. Of course, it could be done as a read aloud with the entire family too. The book is a paper back book and contains 224 pages. The regular price of the book is $9.99. It's currently on sale for $7.50. Of course, the price is subject to change. The book can also be purchased in audiobook edition, an ebook edition, a kindle edition, and a nook edition.

TR smiling in automobile

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failures....than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."

Theodore Roosevelt An American Original is the story about the life and adventures of Teddy Roosevelt. The story starts with his early childhood and describes how he went on to overcome various health issues as a child. Asthma and a weak heart made Teddy's childhood a little challenging, but he persevered. The story then continues on with all the adventures and accomplishments he was able to achieve. 
Theodore Roosevelt has become well know for a variety of things...
a fighter against government corruption,
a courageous Rough Rider,
  a Safari adventurer,
a well-known expedition hunter and explorer of lands,
a champion for wildlife,
 a rancher in the Badlands,

one of the best known and well loved presidents of the United States. 

Mount Rushmore

"Friends I should ask you to be as quiet as possible, I don't know if you fully understand that I have been shot, but it takes more than that to kill a bull moose."

Let's just say he accomplished a lot in his lifetime. He was able to overcome a variety of challenges and make the most out of his life. He lived life to the fullest.
If you want to know more about this amazing man, you'll just have to read the book!

National Park

Teddy's Cabin
Theodore Roosevelt National Park

During our cross country trip this past fall, we were lucky enough to see many of the areas Theodore visited.  At the Theodore Roosevelt national Park (the least visited National Park) we went into a cabin he lived in and learned how his trip out west started his passion for wildlife preservation. While reading the book, we were able to picture some of the places. It was amazing to see how the kids put the pieces together. 

"To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society."

To go along with the book, YWAM Publishing offers a Study Guide for Theodore Roosevelt. The study guide offers suggestions for a fantastic unit study to do while reading the book. The guide offers questions for each chapter to help students dig a little deeper. The guide offers ideas for reading comprehension, history, geography and map work, writing (essay & creative), oral presentations, drama, and art. It offers suggestions for students to explore more related topics...for examples learn about the buffalo since Teddy went out west. They even offer suggestions for reports and presentations. These are great for independent projects for the students to complete and present.

What Did We Think of Theodore Roosevelt An American Original?

We have been enjoying this book. This is our third book we have reviewed for YWAM Publishing. We always enjoy reading the books together and learning about these great men and women from history. Check out our reviews from the last few years Abraham Lincoln and Davy Crockett. We have been reading anf working on the unit study over the past few weeks. Both the book and the study guide have been an added bonus to our history studies. You could easily create a history course for the entire year by using these books. Your kids would love it! They'd have fun and learn a few things along the way. Actually they'd learn a ton of stuff along the way!

Want to hear about other great books from YWAM Publishing?

Christian & History Heroes {YWAM Publishing Reviews}
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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Living Like A Saint~ Saint Maria Goretti

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Traveling Thursdays~ Yellow National Park~ Day 1

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After our morning journey on the Beartooth Highway, we came to the Northeast entrance of Yellowstone National Park. It seemed like it had taken us forever to finally reach this majestic sight. We were eager and ready to start exploring. 

One our first day through Yellowstone National Park, we would travel across the park. We needed to get to the West Entrance in order to get to our hotel. Our travels would take a few hours normally, but since we were going to be stopping to view different aspects of the park it was going to take even longer.

As we round our way through the park, we came across the Lamar Valley. The Lamar Valley is nicknamed the Serengeti of North America. It is a must see if you travel to the park. Here is where you will see herds of Bison and Elk. You may even spot a wolf, coyote, or bear. 

Immediately upon entering the valley, we were greeted with a herd of bison. They were breathtaking. It was gazing at cows in farm fields back home. There were so many. Of course, the kids were thrilled to see all the bison. I was too.

While traveling through the park, we saw mountain goats, elk, a black bear, an osprey, and tons of other birds. 

We drove by Soda Butte. It's a travertine mound formed over a century ago from a hot spring.

We were awed by the vastness of the land. It is beautiful. We saw rivers and of course plenty of small hot springs.

We are lucky that this park was created and set aside for all to see the beauty that God has created.

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Homeschool Crew Review~ The Typing Coach Online Typing Course

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Learn to Type

Recently, we were given the opportunity to review The Typing Coach Online Typing Course from The Typing Coach. I will admit I'm not the best typist and watching my kids peck at the keys I knew they needed some help. My goal for this course was    for them to become more familiar with the keyboard and type more accurately and faster. I'm hoping this will help the typing of their papers go a little more quickly and without as much drama!

The Typing Coach
The Typing Coach Online Typing Course was created by a veteran typing teacher. The course uses a combination of audio, video, and written instructions to help students learn to type accurately and proficiently without looking at the keyboard. The course contains 10 lessons.

Lesson 1- Having Good Posture
Lesson 2- Home Row
Lesson 3- Top Row
Lesson 4- Bottom Row
Lesson 5- Shift Keys
Lesson 6- Typing Practices
Lesson 7- Number Row
Lesson 8- Serious Practice
Lesson 9- The Final Assessment
Lesson 10- Conclusion

The Typing Coach

The lessons of the course are intended to be done weekly. So the 10 lessons would be spread out over a 10 week span. Of course, this guide is only a suggestion. We worked at a little slower pace than this. I wanted the kids to master the skills and improve  greatly their typing skills. The course is meant to be done at your own pace, so you can slow down or speed up depending on your typing abilities. You are not to move on to the next lesson until the lesson you are working on is mastered.

Along with the audio, visual, and written instructions, the course has online assessments. The assessments tests are based on an topic and are timed and graded. This will help the students know what they have mastered and what they may need to work on.

At the end of the course, students will be able to type 10 words per minute with no more than 1 mistake per minute! Of course, the student doesn't have to stop there. They can go on to master typing even more with 25 words per minute and then finally 45 words per minute. Did you know that 45 words per minute is the standard goal for most employers? I had no idea, but I've never had a job were I needed to type a lot.

The Typing Coach Online Typing Course is $17 a year per student. Of course, the price is subject to change, but $17 is worth it if you student becomes more efficient in their typing abilities. Just a little FYI, if you are member of, you already have access to the course with your membership! I had no idea.

What We Thought of The Typing Coach Online Typing Course

typing course

For this review, we received a one year access to the online course. I loved the introduction page. The page had links to everything you could possibly think of. The program was explained and very easy to understand. There was no searching to find an answer to your question. Older students could easily read through the information and start the program on their own. This would be a great way to encourage independent learning. The order of the lessons are easily laid out. You don't have search for you next lesson. There are even boxes to check once you have completed a section. This allows the student to keep track of were they are and pick up were they left off. No confusion on what they did last. We all know how things like that can be forgotten, especially after a few days.

There is a Teacher's Resource Center. This page is just for the teaches and is filled with a variety of information. Teachers will find printable (learning guides, incentive charts, progress charts), videos, and instructions for the slower paced course. Yes, they do offer a slower paced course for younger students! The slower pace course is geared for children ages 8-11. The whole family can learn how to type.

I liked the section on proper posture for typing. The kids were not too thrilled with this section, since lounging on the couch and typing was not a suggestion. They can still sit at the table in their pajamas and type though.

Learn to Type

Everyone found the program very thorough and easy to follow along. The lesson and techniques are explained well and can be implemented by the students. They just have to be willing to follow the instructions and work hard on improving their skills. This is not an easy course, at least for my kids it wasn't. This is a mastery program, so if you do not pass  the test you can NOT move on to the next level. This can cause some frustration for students who lack some patience. One of the main goals of The Typing Coach Online Course is mastery. It's simply not a learning to type program.  I found two things a little tricky to get used to...not looking at the screen to type and not using the delete button. I found these two techniques bizarre. Both these rules went against everything I stand for...just kidding. It was a challenge though. I look at the screen all the time when I type and the delete button is my friend! Hopefully "this old dog" can learn a few new tricks and the kids won't learn mama's old way.

A drawback of this program for us was our internet speed. The audio and video portions were slow to load causing us to take a little longer with the lessons. This was fine if we didn't have anywhere else to go that day. If you have amazing internet then this would not be an issue for you. It's just one of he prices we pay for living out in the sticks.

Find out what the other crew members had to say about The Typing Coach Online Typing Course!

The Typing Coach Online Typing Course {The Typing Coach Reviews}
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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Living Like a Saint~ Saint John Bosco

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Homeschool Crew Review~ Homeschool Rescue from Only Passionate Curiosity

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I am thrilled to share with all of you a wonderful new homeschool parent resource called Homeschool Rescue from Only Passionate Curiosity. Homeschool Rescue is an online course for homeschool parents! Even as adults it's always good to learn new things. Whether you are a newbie or a veteran in the homeschool world, this course will provide you with a variety of resources and ideas to help your homeschool journey.

Only Passionate Curiosity Homeschool Rescue
So What is Homeschool Rescue?

Homeschool Rescue from Only Passionate Curiosity is an online course for homeschool parents. The program is geared specifically for homeschooling mothers, but I'm sure dads could learn a thing or two from the course. The course is geared for that homeschooling mom that is feeling a little inadequate or overwhelmed in their homeschooling journey. Maybe she's just hit that winter slump? You know the one! The school year is dragging on, it's cold outside, no one wants to do their work, or things have just gotten out of control.
The course was designed to offer encouragement to these struggling moms. 
Who doesn't need to hear a kind or uplifting word every now and then.
Only Passionate Curiosity Homeschool Rescue

Homeschool Rescue is an online course to help homeschooling families succeed in their journey. 
The course offers videos (about 20 minutes long), transcripts, audio downloads, homework & workbooks, and plenty of resources and links for further study. Right now, the total video time is 5 hours and 28 minutes. I'm assuming this will change as more lessons are added.

The course is broken up into Modules. 
There are currently 5 Modules. More are coming soon. The Modules are broken up further into lessons. Each module has at least 3 to 5 lessons.
Each module deals with a specific topic. 
Here is a simple summary of some of the topics discussed.

Module 1
Figuring out your child's learning style 
Your homeschooling style
Your goals for your homeschooling journey

Module 2
Schedules & Routines
Homeschooling multiple children
Organization (this is a great topic)

Module 3
Yearly planning 

Module 4
Reward system

Module 5
Teaching the older students
Time management for older students
Study skills for older students

Only Passionate Curiosity Homeschool Rescue

I've only listed a few of the topics covered. I couldn't possibly have that much time to go into detail about them all. I can guarantee that the course offers something for every homeschooling mama.
A 60 day course schedule is available for download. The schedule has all the lessons and assignments planned out for an easy to follow plan. Just follow along, and check off the lessons as you complete them. Of course, the schedule is only a suggestion. Homeschooling moms can choose to work through the course at their own pace. You can take all the time you need. Just like our children's education it's not a race to the finish end. It's the journey that's important. 

In addition to the lessons, Homeschool Rescue offers mamas a few bonuses. Members can print out a planner to use. There are to-do lists available to print for the kids and an academic planner for teens. Members also get access to a members-only Facebook group. Even better members will be able to receive personalized email support. The course cost $97 and members will have lifetime access. For a slightly higher fee, members can chose to become a VIP member. With the VIP option, members will receive one-on-one coaching and support. This option would be perfect for the new homeschooler or that mom that is really struggling.

Only Passionate Curiosity Homeschool Rescue

So What Did I Think of Homeschool Rescue from Only Passionate Curiosity?

I actually have enjoyed the course so far. As a veteran homeschooler, I really wasn't sure if there would be that much information I could take away from the course. I was wrong. I enjoyed the lessons on scheduling and organizing. I honestly believe that is where I struggle the most. I tend to over schedule and be completely unorganized. It was great to hear some new ideas and get some advice on how to be better prepared. I'm looking forward to the lessons on homeschooling teens!

I did have a problem with the videos freezing for me.....that pesky internet. I would get a few minutes into the video and then it would stop loading. I ended up giving up on watching the videos and just downloaded the transcripts to read. I actually preferred to do the course this way. I think the transcripts would perfect for making a book for parents to read, especially if the access to internet is limited! So maybe look for a book in the future!

Want to learn more about the online course Homeschool Rescue?

Check out Heather's Social Media pages!

stop by and read the some more crew reviews!

Homeschool Rescue {Only Passionate Curiosity Reviews}

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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Living Like a Saint~ Saint Augustine

"Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you!"

~Saint Augustine

 photo logo3.png
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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Traveling Thursdays~ Beartooth Scenic Byway

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After a one night stop in Red Lodge, Montana, we are now heading onto the Beartooth Scenic Highway! The Beartooth Scenic Highway is National Scenic Byway that is 68 miles long.

The road winds its way through southwest Montana, northwest Wyoming,and leads travelers right into Yellowstone National Park. 

Beartooth opened up to travelers in 1937. It has welcomed thousands of travelers eversince then. 

One thing to note is the road closes. It closes in October and remains closed until Memorial Day. It even closes during other times of the year because of snow. We were lucky enough to be able to pass through on the road.

Two days prior to our arrival the road was closed. The hotel we stayed in had a chalk board right in the lobby stating whether or not the road was open for travel. It can even close in the middle of July because of snow!

The Bear Tooth

At the top, we climbed out and played in the snow. We've never had a snowball fight in September before.

Beartooth Highway is one of the most rugged roads in the lower United States. As you travel along the road, you will drive through 20 peaks that reach over 12,000 feet high! As you wind through the terrain, you will be greeted by a variety of wild life, glacial lakes, forests, and beautiful waterfalls.

We saw a pair of wolves playing in the field.

It's COLD at the top! So we stopped at the Top of the World Store for some hot chocolate and coffee.

The scenery is absolutely breathtaking! Traveling on this road was wonderful and I highly recommend to anyone heading out west. You won't regret the journey.

We've made it to Montana!

As we came to the end of the Beartooth Highway, we stopped to eat at a small little restaurant. The food was simple and organic but very tasty after our long drive.

We're leaving the Beartooth Highway and heading into the east entrance of Yellowstone National Park!

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