Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Advent Unplugged~ Plans for a more peaceful season

Linking up with Haley

This year, my goal is to spend more time with my family during the Advent season.
 Of course, we spend plenty of time together during the day. I am with my children everyday!
 My goal is to spend quality, more meaningful time together.
During the Advent season, we will continue on with our basic school lessons...math, reading, and writing. The other subjects will be put on hold, so that we can learn more about Advent and prepare for the coming birth of Jesus.
I have a notebook divided up into each day of the Advent season. On each day, I have a activity planned to do with the children.
We will do a short lesson about Advent, a Saint, symbols of Advent and Christmas, etc.
I have a crafts, art projects, religious themed food recipes, and lap books planned. I have picked out stories about the Saints, the Nativity, and other Catholic stories to read during this wonderful season.
We will light our Advent wreath daily. We will read the Bible together everyday and place our Jesse Tree ornament onto our Jesse tree.

So how are we unplugging...

Limit our outside time!
I don't mean physical outside time, but all the hustle and bustle of the "Christmas" season that takes place during this time. We will limit our errands. We will not accept as many invitations to outings.  I want us to grow closer as a family and appreciate what we have.

Unplug from the Internet, video games, and TV!
I spend more time on the computer than the kids, between finding lesson plan ideas and social media. My goal is to spend time reading together as a family or just playing a board game.


  1. Sounds wonderful! many ways.

    Blessings this Advent season,

  2. Each Advent my family unplugs and hangs an ornament on the Jesse Tree, reads the corresponding scripture and reflects as we anticipate celebrating the birth of Christ.

    Photos of my ornaments:

