Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Homeschool Post Blog Award~ I would be very Blessed for your Vote!


I have been nominated in the category of best New homeschooling blog. I want to thank Chris over @ Campfire and Cleats for nominating me.
I am so honored to be nominated.

Can I please ask for your support? 
You can vote once a day.
All you have to do is head on over and click the little dot next the name of my blog. Click vote and your done!

While you're there, check out the other categories.
Chris @ Campfire and Cleats, has been nominated in two categories. I'm sure she would love to have your vote too!
There are so many more wonderful blogs, you might find one you love.

Dont' forget to subscribe to Mountain of Grace Homeschooling.
Just scroll to the top to the and enter your email in the Follow By Email box.
I would love to keep in touch!


1 comment:

  1. Aw, you;re so nice to inc me in your post....:) Thank you, Monique
    Good luck...I've been voting for all my blogger friends in their categories since yesterday ....... You do a great job here sharing so much and being so encouraging. You're a winner!

