Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Hope you had a wonderful Saint Patrick's Day.

Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger,

We spent the day together as a family. We enjoyed corned beef, cabbage and potatoes. For desert apple pie and cheesecake. I know the deserts were not very Irish but it was the requested desserts.

We had a wonderful day. The kids enjoyed a fun time searching for gold coins hidden in the house. Princess P was the first one to notice a gold coin hidden a top a picture frame.

I hope you had a wonderful time with your family!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great day, Monique! You always make the days special for your kids!

