Wednesday, March 13, 2013

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~ Capturing the Context of Contentment in Everyday Life~

round button chicken
Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter

Last week, we had an unexpected snow storm. 

We received 19 inches of snow! 
Sadly it was all gone within 2 days. We have crazy weather here. 
The snow was beautiful while it lasted but I am ready for spring.
Thankfully, I now have tiny little daffodils blooming in the front flowerbed.
I would have taken a picture but we got a huge down pour of rain and lost power.


Habemus Papam
We have a new pope!
Pope Francis

Yesterday, the kids and I just got home in time to see the white smoke. We had headed out for violin lessons and a quick stop to a local thrift store.
I had just restarted the wood stove and had started vacuuming when the phone rang. My hubby was calling to sat they have white smoke. I was happy he did this. My hubby is not Catholic but he knows the kids and I have been watching for signs of white smoke.
So we immediately stopped are cleaning and sat down to wait for the first glimpse of our new Father.
We were thrilled to witness this amazing moment. Watching the excitement on my kids faces was thrilling. I am thankful that we were able to see this moment together. One more reason, I am happy to be able to home school.

On a side note, Princess P wanted to know if Pope Francis could come and be in charge of the United States. Sadly no.


On Friday the kids headed to a belated celebration for Dr. Seuss' birthday!
One of the mothers brought a cotton candy machine. The kids were very eager to try it. It was fairly simple. Throw in a broken hard peice of candy, a little sugar and spin.

Cotton Candy!!

Surprisingly the kids, even the younger ones, waited patiently.

Sticky hands and faces were the result.
But as the kids said...."It's so good!"


My goal for Tuesday was to conquer the mounds of laundry, vacuum the house and mop the floors. I woke to the soft sound of rain beating on the roof. I love that sound. The only bad part is it makes me want to stay in bed.
Just as I got the dishwasher running and the first load of laundry in the washing machine, the lights start to flicker. Within 10 minutes.....NO POWER!
So my goals for the day were I plan on accomplishing these today.

Linking up with.......



  1. That's a lot of snow! We just got a few more inches yesterday, but I don't think it will stay long. Since I love winter, I'm enjoying the extended cold that we're getting this year. :)

  2. Love your PHFR posts:)
    Have a great day

