Friday, March 1, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap-up

In my life this week...... Another week has come to a close. Another month has flown by. March is here and spring is around the corner. This week has been another busy week running here and there. On Thursday, we were lucky to be at home. We spent our day watching EWTN. We witnessed the final farewell of Pope Benedict XVI.

It was wonderful that we were able to witness such a monumental moment is history. While watching the Pope say his final words, it was hard not to get chocked up. I am happy that he will be able to rest and enjoy his final years with out the added stress of overlooking our Church. It's just sad to have to say goodbye.

While watching the his final time on the balcony  I realized I didn't remember seeing him greet us for the first time. I suddenly remembered why...I was giving birth to my sweet Princess P. I never realized that before. My sweet daughter was born on the day Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI. Princess P's favorite picture of Papa Ben was this image from the Vatican's Website.

The kitty in the car reminded her our little kitty. She was happy thinking that he would have someone to keep him company in his new home. She is so sweet.
She now wants the book Joseph and Chico.

Ignatius Press has the book. I think it will be a item in her Easter Basket.

May God be with him.

I am now facing the last chapter of my life and I do not know what awaits me. I know, however, that the light of God exists, that he is Risen, that his light is stronger than any darkness, that the goodness of God is stronger than any evil in this world. And this helps me to go forward with certainty. May this help us to go forward, and at this moment I wholeheartedly thank all those who have continually helped me to perceive the “yes” of God through their faith. 
Pope Benedict XVI

In our home school this week....... Monday was co-op day for us. Lego man dissected a snake in the science class. Princess P and her class where able to look at the snake after the older class was done with it, It amazes how me how  much kids love to see dead animals that have been dissected. We also had two presentations about animals. The kids were able to see a baby chick, a Guinea pig and of course the snake.

Tuesday, we headed to a local museum. The kids learned about local pottery making. Our area has a lot of clay in dirt, so pottery was an important part of our areas history.

After learning about the pottery history and a tour of the museum, the kids had a chance to try their hand at making some pottery.

I shared our Lemon blueberry cake that I made to go along with our New Jersey state study. Everyone enjoyed it, because it has disappeared quickly.

Wednesday, we violin day! After practice, we headed over to my father in laws house to have lunch with him. After lunch, we dropped off four bags and 2 boxes of clothes, toys, videos, and so much more to our local thrift store. It's a wonderful place that takes donations and then uses the money to help the local elderly in our area.

Thursday, we spent the day talking about Pope Benedict XVI and watching his final moments in the Vatican as our Father. We started our Papal Lap book from Shower of Roses. Jessica has done an amazing job and we are looking forward to adding to our unit study. Princess P suddenly cam down with a fever during the afternoon hours, so she spent the rest of the day relaxing. Lego Man worked on his math and then helped mama fold laundry...not one of his favorite jobs.

Friday was a regular school day for Lego Man. We were supposed to be heading to a birthday celebration for Dr Seuss in honor of his birthday. Unfortunately, we might not able to go. If not, we will read the Lorax instead.

What I am working on this week.....I have been looking into what we will study next year. I have been narrowing done some of our selections. I am going through the books we have and making a pile of the books we can get rid off. I have 1 box to donate to our local library for their used book sale. We love going to the used book sale. I make a list of books we need, head to the library and see what goodies we can find!   It's a wonderful way to help our library out and save some money too.

What the kids are reading...... Lego Man has finally finished White Fang. He started and finished reading the third book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kids series.

Princess P has been cleaning out the shelves reading all The Berenstain Bear books we have.

What I am reading..... Interior Castle by Saint Teresa of Avila

What I am trying to figure out with our homeschool....Math! Lego Man is using Saxon Math 54 this year. 

It has been a struggle. Math is very easy for him, he just has had a hard time with all the work. I have asked others about Saxon and different math programs. Many said stick with Saxon. It's the best. Other homeschool mamas have suggested a few other programs. Most of the other programs are too visual for Lego Man. He does almost all of his math in his head. I recently started looking into Math Mammoth for next.  It's to get good reviews. When I told Lego Man about the new program, he wasn't happy. He says he likes Saxon but it just takes too long. So I have decided to take a break from it for the rest of the year. I plan on picking it back up next fall, maybe by then he might be a little more mature. He's already ahead for Math, so I'm not worrying about him falling behind. 
What math do you use ? and why? Do you like it?

What we are praying for this week.........His Holiness Benedict XVI. May God continue to watch over him. The Cardinals as they prepare to go into conclave. May the Holy Spirit guide them in choosing a new Pope for our Church. May our church grow stronger during this time. I am praying that my Little Princess gets better soon.

Linking Up with.........The Homeschool Mother's Journal, 7 Quick Takes, Weekly Wrap-Up, It's A Wrap,
Friendship Friday, Live and Learn


  1. Wow, I love your wrap ups...great tips. I am res the St T book at the lib now...never did it in time for the FB discussion group...really news-y and great stuff here. Thanks so much.
    have a great weekend:)


  2. What a great wrap-up! It sounds like you had a GREAT week! I love the photo of the Holy Father with the cat in the car. My kids love the book about he and his cat. I bet yours will, too. :-)

  3. I highly recommend Math Mammoth. We moved from Saxon to it about five years ago. Good luck! And thanks for linking up to HammockTracks.

