Friday, February 22, 2013

{pretty, Happy, funny, real}

~ capturing the context of contentment in everyday life~

Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter

round button chicken


After running around all last week, it was so nice to be able to relax and enjoy our home in the country.


Rushing around and having things planned everyday drives me bonkers. I am more of introvert. I like people but after a while I just want to go off and sit somewhere quiet. I love when its warm so I can sit outside on our porch swing and enjoy the nature all around me.


Right now they only one enjoying our porch swing is a black and white cat. He can with stand the chilly weather a little better than me. I also think he hangs out on the porch waiting for birds to get stuck so he can catch them. Sometimes he can be a naughty kitty.


Yesterday was a mild day. The temperatures weren't too cold. When I let the dog out and all the cats for their morning romp, I followed them out and stood on the porch taking in the sounds. I was cheerfully greeted by our resident cardinal. I love stepping out on the porch being greeted by his happy little song. It brings a smile to my face and adds a peaceful moment to my day.

Mr. Cardinal has lived here for 2 years now and loves to serenade us. He even follows us around when we take walks in the woods. he sings his happy little song as we look for treasures in the woods. He even torments the cats by sitting just out of their reach and talking to them. He is a very smart bird and we enjoy his beautiful songs. Hopefully, he can continue to outsmart all the cats.


Lego Man came into the kitchen the other day laughing hysterically  He said there was a preview for that show Ancient Aliens. The preview was talking about Jonah and the whale. This "scientist" stated that Jonah wasn't really swallowed by a whale but was really taken hostage by an ancient alien in a submarine. He thought that was the funniest thing. Of course, as I write this in my head I am singing The Yellow Submarine by the Beatles. I once had a ballet recital where I danced to the song. Funny how weird things pop into our heads.
Another funny I type this I have a certain cat that keeps sitting on my laptop, hands, and keeps getting into my face to give kisses. Someone must want some serious attention.

I'm so cute you have to love me...

To get the kitty off my lap, I just printed something from the computer. She has a HUGE fascination with the printer.


This week was a rough week for schooling.

With co-op starting back up and the extra homework involved, a certain boy has not been happy. I even pulled out the "You'll go to school next year if you don't stop complaining."  I know I'm not the only parent that uses that little threat. The sad thing is they know I won't follow through. They even joked with daddy that mama threatened us with school again. I did kindly remind him of all hours he would be in school and then have to come home to do homework. Of course dear hubby added, "When I went to school we walked 2 miles to school each way." He thinks he's so funny.
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