Friday, February 22, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap-Up

In our life this week.....Busy, busy, busy! Monday we had a play date with a friend. The kids had a fun jumping on a trampoline while mama had fun catching up with a friend. Princess P got new sneakers. Her old pair was too small. So she picked out a bright pink pair.

Tuesday was a normal school day for us. Everything went fairly smoothly. No complaining and our day finished rather early. It has been REALLY cold here, so going outside has been a no go. We even brought the pig back up to the back yard. She has been sleeping under the porch. I think she is laying down by the dryer vent to keep warm. Poor little piggy.

Wednesday was a full day. We headed to the library to return overdue library books. We only owed $3.80. This was pretty cheap for us. I try not to have overdue books, but sometimes it does happen. At least the money is going to buy new books, so it's a good cause. I have saved thousands of dollars over the years by not having to buy all those books! We then headed to the thrift store to see if we could find any good deals. No great deals on clothes but we did find a few books the kids have been wanting. After our book find, we dashed off to violin lessons! I am really beginning to think I should be taking lessons too. I sit in the lessons and am learning so much about music. I would love to learn to play but unfortunately buying myself a violin is not in our budget right now.Maybe next year I will be able to.

Thursday, we woke up to snow! We only got 1.5 inches. They kids were wanting more but not this time. They would love to get a few feet of snow. I, on the other hand, am ready for Spring. After a week of FREEZING cold temperatures, I am ready for warm sunny days, skirts, and girly sandals. We started taking down the Christmas decorations. Hopefully we will be able to finish this weekend.

Friday was another day of staying home. My goal was to finish the laundry and finish taking down the Christmas decorations.

In our home school this week.... This week we have been continuing our state lesson on Pennsylvania. I am hoping to post all the fun things we did to go along with this state next week. For our bird study, we have been studying the barn owl. After our first lesson on Monday, we heard a great horned owl that night. He sounded like he was sitting right outside our bedroom window. We started back up with Saxon 54 for Lego Man. We had taken a break because we were having difficulty with getting it down and Lego Man was started to really dread it. I didn't want him to hate math. It's so easy for him. He amazes me with what he can do in his head. I asked advice from some home school mama's that use Saxon and they have assured me to stick with it. So far this week, math has been super easy. No complaining, no drama!  We have been reading some stories about King Arthur, Princess Guinevere and Camelot. Both Princess P and Lego Man have been enjoying. I have always loved the time period. In my past life, before kids, I created for historical gowns in college. All four were based on Camelot.

What we are reading..... Our nightly read aloud that we are reading is The Family Under the Bridge by Natalie Savage Carlson.

This book is part of geography lessons were are following on Mater Amabilis. This books takes place in Paris, France. It focus on a homeless man named , Armand and a bunch of homeless children who befriend him. We are only in chapter 2. SO far the kids seem to be enjoying. The went searching for mama's photo album from when I traveled to France during college. The loved looking at the pictures of Notre Dame and The Eiffel Tower.

What I am reading.....I am reading a book about the Paleo diet and a book called Dream Lake by Lisa Kleypas.

What I am working on.....laundry, laundry and more laundry. I was bad last week and did no laundry. Now I am paying the price! A week off from doing laundry just makes more work for another week. You would think I would know that already but I REALLY,REALLY dislike laundry. I don't mind putting it in the washing machine, but I despise folding it. I am working on next year's school plans. I love planning early. If I get the lessons planned out early then I get to enjoy my summer too.

What I am praying for.....patience. Patience to accept things as they happen. When I was little, my grandmother had the serenity prayer on her fridge. When I find myself lacking patience, I silently recite this beautiful prayer to myself. Sometimes I even say it out loud.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;

courage to change the things I can;

and wisdom to know the difference.

What advice I have..... With homeschooling don't compare your child to someone else's. Each child has their own strengths and weaknesses. One of the joys I find in homeschooling is being able to tailor my children's lessons to their strengths and weaknesses.  I find the greatest joy when I see one of my kids finally accomplish a task that they have been struggling with. The look of pride that comes over their sweet faces is worth all the headaches and heartaches that this crazy world of homeschooling brings!

Linking up with..... 7 Quick TakesHomeschool Mother's Journal

Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers

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