Friday, February 22, 2013


  ~ Capturing the context of  contentment in everyday life~

Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter

round button chicken


Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. It was a beautiful morning here.


The sky was a clear blue with a few white puffy clouds. This seemed very strange since the weather men were calling for rain/freezing rain/snow for our area.Of course, the clouds rolled in around noon and the snow started falling. The kids are excited about the snow.




All we got was a dusting!

They have been praying for a big dump of snow, but so far God has dumped it elsewhere and not here.


Tuesday, was a beautiful day here.


The kids headed outside to enjoy the 60 degree weather. The rode bikes, climbed trees, pulled each other in the wagon, and practiced their soccer skills.


racing around the yard in the wagon


Kitty have some climbing practice


kiddos pretending to be monkeys

The loved playing outside and were talking about how they couldn't wait for summer and the pool.The only thing  they are not looking forward to this summer is working in the garden.


Our weather is crazy around here lately. One day it's 60 degrees the next it's 32 degrees and snowing. I have had to pull out short sleeve shirts for the kids to wear on the warm days. This becomes a big pain in the behind! Princess P then thinks she can wear short sleeves when it's 32 degrees out.


After a week of no computer, since my laptop decided to crash, I am back up and running. After contacting a few local places to fix old my broken computer, we decided to purchase a new one. By the time we paid them to look , fix and salvage all my stuff off the laptop it was cheaper to buy a new one.  The biggest difference of the new laptop is Windows 8. At first, I hated it. I couldn't find anything. It was so frustrating! I have figured out a lot but still am learning how to use it.  I am not all that computer savvy  My dear hubby has been trying to fix my old laptop so we can pass it onto the kids. We had been looking for a computer for them so we just switched up the plans.Lego Man and Princess P are very excited about having their own computer. Of course, the were reminded that they would have to ask to use it and would have to be supervised. No internet surfing for those two!

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